“In early June the world of leaf and blade and flowers explodes, and every sunset is different.” – John Steinbeck
Tuesday June 20th is Summer Solstice – that time of year when the sun reaches its highest position in the sky and those of us in the Northern Hemisphere celebrate the first day of Summer. We hear a collective “ahhhh” as we ditch the fleece and don breezy dresses and woven Fedoras.
The season is fleeting, and so we rush to make the most of it. This is the time of year when sought-after landscape companies work sunup to sundown creating outdoor living spaces that are like gifts to our clients – realizing for them the envisioned outdoor lifestyle that they have dreamt of and planned for through days of bone chilling temperatures and whitewashed snowy landscapes – sometimes for months, even years.
We want to make the most of the warmth and growth and colorful beauty that only summer profers. Even our pets assume a lighter mood as they spend luscious moments rolling in the cool grass and chasing insects.
Indeed, this is the season to take every advantage of being outside, slowing down and inviting contemplation, quiet, and calm into otherwise too busy but well lived lives. Making room (literally and figuratively) for friends and family to visit and collectively enjoy the inexhaustible joie de vivre of lazy summer days and perfect sunset nights.