Rebirth is evident everywhere in the April landscape. We notice a quiet awakening taking place before our very eyes – a tangle of branches growing the buds that will transform into a mass of ordered leaves; the first greenery of bulbs no longer asleep; the hope of lilacs that this year will be a full-on bloom year – fragrant and lush – spared the surprise late snow storm.
We naturally see nature more closely this time of year as we watch for signs of no-longer-winter. The crabapples with their canopies giving intricate texture to the environment. Evergreens that look softer flat light of April, before the summer sun casts it’s harsh light. The first sightings of busy birds and insects.
Now is the time to ask yourself what transitions you’d like to see in your gardens and landscape. What do you long to add, or take away? Is it a larger area to socialize and celebrate, or is it a place for quiet and solitude, where you can watch stillness settle over the land?
At Outdoor Craftsmen, landscape consulting and brainstorming is one of the most important aspects of landscape design and architecture. We want to hear about your next landscape idea – and see how we can make it your reality. 303-828-0408